Managing Ticket Types

Last Updated 26/09/2023 03:37 pm

Add Ticket Type 

Adding a Ticket Type is found by using the Add Ticket Type button on the far right. The form has various mandatory fields and some optional ones.  

Name: The Name of the Ticket Type should accurately describe what kind of Ticket this is. Giving it a unique name will help your Users distinguish your Ticket Types from each other. This field is mandatory. 

Internal Note: This is a place to describe what this Ticket Type is used for, this is for internal use only so will never be visible to customers and with all Internal Notes across your system this field is optional. 

Description: This is the description you wish to be displayed to your customers. This should describe what your customers should use this Ticket Type for. The description will be displayed at the top of the form, however it is optional.  

Icon: This field allows you to choose a suitable Icon to represent your Ticket Type. You can choose from hundreds of Icons, bear in mind it would be advisable to use different Icons for different Ticket Types to avoid confusion. Choosing an Icon is mandatory.  

Inbox: Here you will choose which Inbox or Inboxes this Ticket Type will apply to. There would be no point having a Sales Enquiry Ticket Type in an Inbox used only for Support Tickets and vice versa.  

Category Sets: This contains a dropdown of any or all Category Sets you have set up within your system. Here you can select any that are applicable to this Ticket Type and they will be available to choose if the category field is shown.

Initially Assigned Agent/Team: If your new Ticket Type will only be used by certain Agents or a certain Team then you can choose them/the Team from the dropdown here and this Ticket Type will automatically be assigned to this person/Team.

Allow Tickets by Email: If you have customers who you want to be able to create Tickets but don't want or need to give them their own Login to your system then enabling this option will generate an Email address which, if they use to email you, it will create a Ticket of this Ticket Type within your Help Desk.

Show on Public Portal: If you use the Public Portal feature available to all Issuebear users you can assign Ticket Types to either be available on the Public Portal or not. Using the toggle will enable or disable this feature.

Use Public Captcha: For Public Portal enabled types, this enables a Google reCAPTCHA on the ticket form. Helpful for reducing spam.

Show GDPR Consent Checkbox: For Public Portal enabled types, if you need to capture GDPR consent at the time of gathering information simply toggle this feature on here and the system will input a GDPR checkbox when a Ticket is created. Any Users created from a filled in form will carry this consent into their user record.

Status: The normal Status Active/Inactive is here to allow you to create a Ticket Type and if in the future you need to temporarily remove it you can simply check the Inactive status and it will be hidden to all Users creating Tickets.


Standard Field: Attachments: If you want users to be able to upload files along with their ticket then you can enable the Attachments option here. If you enable this you'll be able to use the Label textbox to rename "attachments" as whatever you need it to be called. Help Text text box allows you to add any help text you need to describe what this field is for. And lastly you'll be able to decide whether the Attachment field is mandatory or not.

Standard Field: Impact: If you'd like the option for your customers to add their own Impact then toggling the Show Impact field to on will add this to your Ticket Type. You'll be able to rename the label if you want to call it something other than Impacts. If you need to add Help Text to explain what Impacts are or give examples you can add it here.

Standard Field: Urgency: If you'd like the option for your customers to add their own Urgency then toggling the Show Urgency field to on will add this to your Ticket Type.  You'll be able to rename the label if you want to call it something other than Urgency. You can add Help Text here too if you need to, maybe give some examples of what Urgencies equate to.

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