Managing Roles

Last Updated 26/09/2023 06:03 pm

System Default Roles 

Your new system will come with a number of System Default Roles.

Agent Roles

  • Agent: These users can reply to tickets, create tickets, and view all tickets created in the system.
  • User Limited Agent: Like an Agent, but can only view tickets that they create or are assigned to them.
  • Team Limited Agent: Like an Agent, but can only view tickets that they create or assigned to their teams.
  • Organisation Limited Agent: Like an Agent, but can only view tickets that they create or were created by the owning organisation.
  • Agent Lead: These users can also create tickets on behalf of other users, manage queues and dashboards, knowledge base articles, snippets, user and organisation notes, service levels, schedules and reporting.
  • Sys Admin: These users can do everything except manage Billing.
  • System Owner: These users can do everything, including managing Billing.

Staff Roles

These are roles that can be assigned to non-agents who work for the owning organisation:

  • Staff: These users can create and view their own tickets and read knowledge base articles.
  • Staff Manager: Like staff, but can also view tickets from anyone in the owning organisation, and view reports.
  • Staff Admin: Same as a Staff Manager, but can also view tickets from external organisations as they have access to all tickets in an inbox.
  • Billing Manager: Can view billing and manage seats.

Customer Roles

These can be assigned to users from external organisations:

  • Customer: Can view their own tickets, create tickets and read knowledge base articles.
  • Customer Admin: Like Customer, but can view all tickets from their organisation, and view the SLA Report.


A User with no Role cannot do anything so when you create a User of your system you must give them a Role which will then grant them the permissions attached to that Role. You may not delete or edit the default roles.

Add Role 

Using the Add Role function will take you to the form to create a new Role.  


Name: First up you give your Role a unique name. If you plan on adding lots of Roles for your business, the Name is an important way to identify them so giving them a descriptive Name is a good idea. 

Internal Only: If the Role you are creating is just for your Organisation then toggling this setting to On will create the new Role only to be made available to the Owning Organisation. If you toggle this to off then the Role will be available to your Customers/Users to select for their Users.   

If you select that the Role can be used by Customers/Users then the options available for permissions will be more limited than if you selected Internal Only. 

Tickets: Here is where you select the permissions you’d like to give to this Role. This section will be populated based on whether this is Internal Only or not. 

Knowledge Base: This is where you can add in the option to let the Role have access to Knowledge Base or not.  You can simple check the box to add this. 

Status: The status of a Role can be toggled on for Active or off for Inactive. This will either make the Role available within your system or not. 

The green Add Role button will save your new Role which will now be available to use for any User.

Edit Roles

As with any other permission, you will need permission to be able to edit the Roles within the owning system. If you have this power then you’ll find the edit button beside the Role on the main Role listing page.  


Same with Deleting a Role, if you have the power to do so you’ll find the Delete button beside the Edit one. You won't be able to delete a System Default Role.  


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