
Last Updated 29/09/2023 11:38 am

The impact of a ticket is how much of a problem it is creating for your customer.

Your system will start with Impact levels of:

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

These can be edited, renamed or added to in order to as necessary.


Adding an impact will allow you to give it a unique name and numeric score. 

Name - The name you give your Impact.

Internal Note - A non-customer visible note that helps you remember what this impact is used for.

Score - A numeric value for this impact. The higher the score, the higher the impact. This lets you sort by the Impact field in ticket lists. The Priority field is created by multiplying the Impact score by the Urgency score.

Status - As with most options you will find within your settings you will have the ability to toggle it to inactive for any settings you don’t currently require but don’t want to delete. You never know when they might come in handy in the future. 


To edit an Impact view it on the list of Impacts then click on the right hand edit pencil, once you have made the changes you want to simply save them.

Deleting an Impact - On the list of Impacts you’ll be able to go into each one to edit it, in here you’ll find a big red delete impact button on the top right for if you need to delete them for any reason. 

Using Impacts

Within Inbox settings, you can choose which Impacts are available in that Inbox.

When you or your customer are creating a ticket, there is a field "Impact" and this is where a customer will decide how much of an impact this ticket is for their business operations.  By using the dropdown they can select one of the already programmed urgencies or one created by you:

Changing an Impact in a ticket.

You can change the Impact of a ticket that has already been created.  This can be accomplished while in the ticket, using the edit pencil shown below, or hovering over the Impact status will bring up a small pop up to quickly change in this view.

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