Agent Tickets

Last Updated 27/09/2023 09:49 am

The Agent Tickets tab looks like this:

An agent will be able to see their own tickets, and their own system default queues, which are, Pending, Assigned to you, Watching, Waiting for my Teams, Created by you, and any tickets in a support team that you are part of.  As you scroll down the dashboard you will see a list of queues.

Pending queue is the first queue you will see and this if the one first to action. These are tickets which are new or are waiting for an agent response.

Unresponded - these tickets are the ones that have not yet been responded to and should be at the top of your support agents to action.

Unassigned - these tickets are those which have not had an agent assigned to them yet.

Next SLA - sorts the ticket list by which SLA target is coming up next.

Helium Powered - sorts the ticket list by how much Helium the ticket has. 

Created by you is a queue complete with all tickets created by you as agent.

Assigned to you is a queue full of tickets which are currently assigned and waiting for the agent to respond to.

Watching is a queue a tickets that the agent is watching, either ones they have manually added to as a watcher or one they have themselves created or replied to.

Waiting for my Teams is a queue full of tickets which are currently assigned and waiting for an agent in one of your teams that you are a member of to respond to.

Created by your Organisation is a queue complete with all tickets created by your organisation.

Waiting for my Org these tickets are those tickets that are waiting for an agent within your organisation to action.

Custom Queues - If you have setup any custom queues this is where they will show.

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