
Last Updated 26/09/2023 06:54 pm

Ticket Statuses represent where the ticket is in it’s lifecycle from newly created to closed and resolved.

Each status has a behaviour that indicates how the system should handle tickets which are in that state:

  • New
  • WaitingForAgent
  • WaitingForCustomer
  • OnHold
  • Resolved
  • Closed

To start with, the system managed statuses include one for each behaviour. You can rename these and set a colour for them.


To Add a new Status you can use the Add Status button.

Name: Add the Name for your new Status under the Name field, this can be anything you want and is mandatory.  

Internal Note: An Internal Note can be a good place to store the reason why you have created this status or any other information you need to store that is NOT visible to customers.  

Behaviour: This is the most important field within this form. No matter what you use your Status for, and no matter what you call it, you’ll need to select the behaviour that it will adopt from the default list of statuses. For example if you have an internal workflow and the Ticket is for your HR department you may wish to add a new Status to state that the ticket is ‘Waiting for HR Processing’ and then a further one when the Ticket is ‘Waiting on Management Signoff’, these would both have the Behaviour of ‘Waiting for Agent’.  

Colour: This will be used in any ticket lists for tickets in this status. A small visual indicator can help when looking at a long list of different tickets. 


As with any of your system settings you can use the Pencil icon on the far right of the listing to Edit any of the details you’ve added previously.

Using Statuses 

Within each Inbox you can choose which statuses it uses. You must select at least one status of each behaviour within an inbox.

Your custom statuses will be available for users to select from within a Ticket as below.

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